8 Ways To Keep Your Horse Healthy
We all want to maintain our horses’ health and wellbeing. Whether you own a competition horse or a veteran horse, here are eight ways you can keep your horse healthy.
Feed Aloeride
Feeding Aloeride is our number one way to keep your horse healthy! Aloeride is bursting with natural goodness to support your horse’s good health and vitality. Whether supporting good digestion, strong hoof growth, healthy skin and coat, Aloeride is an organic supplement you’ll want to feed your horse.
Build fitness slowly
Whether rehabbing your horse or looking to increase your horse’s fitness, always create a plan based on your current fitness level, past or recent injury and age. Consider a long-term approach and be prepared to extend should progress be slower than anticipated.
Make changes to diet gradually
Always make changes to your horses’ diet, a slow and gradual change. Sudden changes can cause digestive issues and even colic. Most feed companies will offer FOC nutritional advice, and some independent nutritionists offer general equine nutrition advice and clinical nutrition working alongside your vet. Don’t forget your horse’s dietary needs change as they age, so consider this.
Regular reviews
Regular review your horse’s progress and performance. Some vets offer annual wellness MOTs, which can be helpful for some horse owners. Reviewing your horse’s weight with a weight tape can help keep on top of weight loss and gain before it becomes an issue for your horse.
Keep variety
They say variety is the spice of life and to keep your horse healthy. We believe this holds true. Depending on your horse’s physical state and temperament, build a programme of activities that will enrich their lives. Hacking, flatwork, jumping, pole work, in-hand, horse agility and liberty work give your horse lots of variety.
Maintain your fields
Make sure you maintain your fields all year round. Soil analysis can be beneficial, as is buying a good paddock fertiliser to help boost grass growth. Harrowing and repairing damaged areas will help maintain your fields and give your horse a healthy and nutritionally beneficial environment.
Work with your farrier
We have worked closely with many clients and their farriers to help improve poor hooves, and we believe your farrier is an essential part of your team. Following your farrier’s advice is necessary, including following recommendations in trimming and shoeing, how often your horse requires visits, general maintenance, and care of their feet. Farriers recommend Aloeride for this reason.
Regular Dentistry
In younger and veteran horses, six-monthly visits are typically recommended. For older horses, at least one annual visit from your equine dentist is advisable to catch any potential dental issues before they cause a problem. Equine dentists are an essential aspect of keeping your horse healthy.
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