Philippa Weston feeds Aloeride
I have ridden for 20 years and competed in a number of disciplines including: showing, eventing, show jumping, endurance, racing and hunting. Irish (also known as Nightnews) is a 10 Year old ISH by Last News out of a Carroll’s Flight mare. I’ve owned Irish for 5 years, ever since my Dad swotted a wasp away from his wine at a sale in Ireland… SOLD to the gentleman over there! Oops.
Pip: “Aloeride has given Irish a chance to be steroid free, I am able to compete her using a non-banned substance that is helping her with her dermatitis. It was heart-breaking to see Irish itching so much and to see her now, not rubbing herself raw is such a weight off my mind. I was so close to pulling my own hair out before I started using Aloeride, now when I take her rugs off she’s no longer taking to attacking her skin. I am looking forward to the Spring when I can notice a lovely healthy shine on her coat”.