Help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera
Skin problems are one of the most common presenting complaints in veterinary medicine, skin issues are a problem most cat owners will come across at some point or another. The good news is that, with proper care and attention, most cat skin problems respond very well to treatment. There isn’t always a need for prescribed medication. If you want to help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera, then this page takes you through common skin problems that respond well to Aloeride aloe vera such as allergic dermatitis, alopecia, dry flaky skin, dull coat and compulsive grooming. The dosage for adult cats is ½ vegetarian capsule content once a day in some meat (paté for instance). Your cat obviously is given free access to water.
Showing Cats
Obviously ‘showing cats’ is not a skin problem, but how to win prizes with your cat’s looks and presence is. Aloeride is used by many breeders who show their pedigree cats at the Cat Fancy (e.g. GCCF or TICA), just like Aloeride is used by horse owner/breeders and dog owner/breeders going to Crufts or the Westminster Dog Show. It is astonishing how natural coat shine and skin health improves along side betterment of their general health. Aloeride aloe vera helps to build a healthily inhospitable gut ecosystem. It helps to make your cat -as we know from faecal parasite egg counts in horses- less susceptible to parasitic infection. Given the success breeders and stud farms yield with Aloeride in the horse world, we feel comfortable to recommend it for your success at the GCCF Supreme Cat Show, CFA International Cat Show or other nations’ equivalent. Help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera, it is easy to feed, it is proven more-nutrient-dense, it works beautifully.
Allergic Dermatitis
Scratching the head or neck (oesophagus!) is a common sign of food allergies. Symptoms of other allergies include chewing on the paws or base of the tail, or scratching the ears. Allergies can cause hair loss or skin lesions anywhere on the body, including the belly. Avoiding exposure to the irritants is the best strategy. Just as in dogs, cats often suffer from three types of allergies: flea allergy, environmental allergy and food allergy. Flea and environmental allergies are more common than food allergies in cats, but some unfortunate felines may experience more than one type of allergy concurrently. Cat grooming products may not suit and environmental irritants may include your home cleaning products.
It is important to distinguish food intolerance (gastrointestinal signs such as diarrhoea or vomiting) from a true food allergy which usually manifests as a skin condition. Food allergies can be diagnosed only through a strict elimination diet. Consider raw feeding which simply is the most natural way to feed your cat who is after all a carnivore that thrives on mice to larger prey such as rabbits and birds. Examine very carefully how advertised raw foods are made because not all of these are made well.
Feline Dermatitis may happen because of Infectious causes (e.g. Parasites, Mites, Fleas -flea allergy dermatitis FAD, Bacterial infections often secondary to damaged skin, Fungal infection such as ringworm, Viral infection such as cowpox) and because of Non-Infectious causes (Immune system disorders, including allergies to fleas, environmental substances, food, feline eosinophilic granuloma complex; Sun overexposure; Cancerous growths and tumors; Chemicals; Prescribed Drugs reaction; Stress; Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Liver disease, and FIV or FeLV, Lower urinary tract disease can cause cats to over-groom the area; Fight wounds).
Compulsive Grooming
Cats are known to be fastidious groomers, but sometimes they overdo it. First of all, assume that your cat does this for a reason other than stress. Caged cats get stressed, but does felis domesticus with free outside roaming get stressed? Have your vet check your cat for all the above. Compulsive licking, chewing or sucking on the skin may lead to irritation, infection and thinning hair. If your cat grooms compulsively in response to stress then talk to your vet about stress reduction and behavior modification strategies.
Hair Loss (Alopecia)
In older cats diagnosed with cancer, alopecia is common. Nervous disorders (e.g. over-grooming) can also cause cats to lose their hair. Hormonal imbalances, specifically too much thyroid or increased levels of steroids in the body, may also lead to hair loss. Parasites that bring about mange, and fungal issues like ringworm, are also a common cause of alopecia. Ectoparasites such as fleas are one of the most common causes of cat hair loss, as are allergies. In older cats, sudden hair loss may also be associated with a systemic disease such as adrenal disease or pancreatic tumors. As it can be very difficult to differentiate one cause from another without veterinary expertise, cats with sudden hair loss should be evaluated promptly by your veterinary surgeon.
Dry, Flaky Skin Dull Coat
Like people, some cats get dry flaky skin in the winter. Persistent dandruff often is a sign of poor nutrition. Use shampoo that doesn’t remove much of the skin oils. Feed Aloeride and take a look at what we wrote about Safer By Sebum, this is the reason why horses (any mammal with a furry coat!) develop outstanding skin health and coat shine. Sebum works precisely in the same way for your cat. Sure, you can add some Omega-3 fatty acids to feed -often derived from fish sources and these are anti-inflammatory. Beware of the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 because the latter -often derived from plant sources- yes maintain the integrity of cell membranes but they are pro-inflammatory.
Help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera
This is how you help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera: buy the vegetarian capsules (for people) and make use of the discounts and freepost. Open one capsule on to, say, a chopping board. Divide the powder into two or three mounds. Dab these ⅓ or ½ servings with some paté or cat meat and make them into two or three little balls. Now feed your cat one and keep the other(s) in your fridge. Feed one ball once a day. Help your cat from-the-inside-out. Because Aloeride aloe vera powder doesn’t have the unpleasant taste that aloe vera juice has, your cat will eat Aloeride readily.
Bacterial Infections
In many cases, bacterial skin infections develop as a result of another skin problem. For example, feline acne can make a cat’s hair follicles more vulnerable to infection, resulting in folliculitis. Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics, but it’s important to address any underlying skin conditions to prevent a recurrence. Supporting your cat’s immune system with ½ vegetarian capsule content once a day in some meat (paté for instance) could be a good idea.
Yeast Infections
The ear is one of the most common spots for a yeast infection in cats. Symptoms include black or yellow discharge and redness of the ear flap. Your cat will scratch its ear persistently because the yeast infection irritates. Yeast infections respond well to (focal) treatment with antifungal medicine. Immunocompromised cats are more susceptible.
Ringworm is highly contagious, so be extremely strict on hygiene when your cats has this! Any cat can develop ringworm, but kittens less than a year old and geriatric cats are most prone to infection, while long-haired cats and cats that are immunocompromised are also more susceptible. Ringworm spores are notoriously hardy and can survive in the environment for more than a year. Ringworm causes typical circular lesions and the skin around these lesions is often flaky and bald. Treatment depends on severity, but may include specialized shampoos, ointments, or oral medications. You can help your cat with Aloeride aloe vera to lower its susceptibility to fungal infection.
Fleas are a very common problem and as a careful owner, you look for them or their droppings in your cat’s coat, especially where the fur is pale. Other signs of a flea infestation are persistent scratching, crusty skin lesions, and thinning hair above the base of the tail. To eradicate fleas, you must treat everything: your cat, your furniture, your bedding and your rugs. A monthly flea prevention protocol is the gold standard for flea control. Treat all pets in the home for this to be effective.
Lice are parasites that feed on dry skin. They are commonly found on young, neglected cats and often go unnoticed. Large infestations can lead to scratching, restlessness, unusual coat appearance and hair loss. Like mites, lice can be treated with a topical solution. Because lice are species-specific, you do not need to worry about getting lice from your cat. There is no need to treat the entire house and household. You must however tell your cat to better feline company in future…
Ear Mites
Ear mites are highly contagious tiny parasites that are drawn to the wax and oils inside a cat’s ear. As they feed, they cause inflammation that can lead to a serious skin or ear infection. Signs of ear mites include excessive scratching of the ears, head shaking, and a strong odour and a dark discharge from the ears. Suspect ear mites when both ears are affected. Mites can be treated with a topical product prescribed by your vet. Ear mites are also contagious to other animals.
Skin swelling represents almost a third of all the skin cases that present to veterinarians, according to one 2006 study. Masses and swellings are notoriously difficult to diagnose without diagnostic tests such as aspirates and biopsies, but it’s necessary in order to determine the cause. Despite the constant fear of cat cancer, the most commonly diagnosed cause of skin swelling in cats is abscesses. A small bump or lesion on the outside can mask a large pocket of pus and debris under the skin. This can cause a disproportionate amount of pain compared to what looks like a small wound. If your cat is suddenly hiding, resisting your touch, or has any unusual behaviour changes, he may be in pain. Have your veterinarian check out any strange lumps and bumps.