How to stop your smoothies being bitsy
One of our Irish friends cannot stand bitsy things in her mouth, she doesn’t like the smoothies. As an athlete she would benefit from smoothies so she asked me to write about how to stop your smoothies being bitsy. The trick is to create a soft mush first, before you add the lumpier ingredients.
This morning a VERY large, diced beetroot was accompanied by a large, diced carrot. Between these two, smoothies can end up tasting bitsy which may turn people off. So, first in go the banana and a pinch of spinach, then add milk kefir (or natural yoghurt, straight out of the shop or make it in your airing cupboard and consider double fermented if you prefer) to almost cover them. We use the Nourish Kefir. Now close container and WHIZZ. Glorious mush achieved! Open container, add diced carrot and beetroot and WHIZZ. Open container and you can see that it still looks a bit bitsy. Stuff in more spinach, add a generously heaped tablespoon of turmeric, a little black pepper and a slither of ginger. Now pour in as much milk kefir or natural full fat yoghurt as the container is allowed to hold according to Nutribullet. Close container and WHIZZ with stops and starts. Perfectly fine to whizz for blips of 20 seconds at a time and there’s no need to cool with ice.
The most important of turmeric’s curcuminoids is curcumin. This is the active ingredient that gives turmeric its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it also is a good antioxidant. There is about 3%wt of curcumin in turmeric which is why we use a heaped tablespoon in every smoothie. Curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore we add some black pepper, this contains piperine, to enhance the bioavailability (absorption) of curcumin by 2,000%. [Planta Medica 1998 May;64(4):353-6; Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Shoba G1, Joy D, Joseph T, Majeed M, Rajendran R, Srinivas PS.] Curcumin is fat soluble and the milk kefir helps not only to offset the impossible taste that 1 heaped tablespoon of turmeric has, but also helps its absorption. We get our organic turmeric powder from in a 1kg bag @ £14.83 which is very inexpensive for the anti-inflammatory-help-without-side-effects it provides.
The cup of a Nutribullet Pro allows Mr van de Braak to have 1 pint of smoothie every morning and Mrs van de Braak ½ a pint. Cup and blade-end are rinsed with lukewarm water immediately afterwards and the whole exercise is all very easy and sustainable. We both take our Aloeride vegicapsules at the washstand in the morning .
Doesn’t doing a 10-20 second whizzing blip add temperature to the mixture and destroy enzymes? Bollocks! Our beetroot, carrots, spinach, yohurt and kefir live in the fridge, if WHIZZING gets their temperature a little closer to my 37 degree body temperature then this is very welcome because I drink a 1 pint smoothie for breakfast. For as long as I have been making smoothies, they’ve always felt ‘cold’ to my tongue and cheeks. No worries about their enzymes then 😉
What do smoothies do
A dastardly clever beetroot smoothie
1 large beetroot
1 large carrot
1 big handful of spinach (washed)
1 tbsp (heaped) organic turmeric
½ tsp ground black pepper
1 slither of ginger (none if my wife doesn’t look)
1 small or big banana
200ml natural yoghurt or milk kefir (may be more than 200ml)
1 Aloeride vegicapsule at the washstand morning and night
Thank you Han you are so kind to come up with this. Your research for the no bits smoothie is spot on. It doesn’t taste too awful either which is surprising for me. Let’s see if this helps with my running regime. Your the best Han