Aloeride Aloe Vera Greatly Helps Endurance Sport Athletes
Aloeride aloe vera greatly helps endurance sport athletes with the problem of Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea which mostly affects runners but cyclists also can find this a challenge. An obvious difference between running (or even speed walking) and cycling, is the vertical pounding that is absent in cycling. The specialist, organic aloe vera in Aloeride settles your entire gut and helps it to work better, not least in how it can cope with mechanical stress. That’s why many top athletes use Aloeride during training and on race days.
Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea
As you know, in musculoskletal injuries the damage happens mostly where muscle joins fibrous (connective) tissue, or where fibrous (connective) tissue joins bone. Friction injury (e.g. Achilles tendon against shoe) is a different cookie altogether! Here’s the thing, your gut wall, as well as its suspension structure in the abdomen, contains a lot of connective tissue. Bar elastin, connective tissue is collagen that doesn’t stretch. Depending on pH, it remains flexible and tolerant to pulling forces. So, if core muscles lose tone/strength during endurance exercise (certainly in running), your abdominal mass is less controlled and its collagen ‘moves’ more. Unguarded movement increases the strain on connective tissue with a greater chance of micro-inflammation. This is the key… and your cue.
Runner’s diarrhoea and cyclist’s diarrhoea are any degree of colitis (inflammation of the colon) and, if symptoms persist for longer than a few days up to a few weeks, brought on by long mileage or the intensity of a run or cycle, then you must consult your medical doctor. Your ability not to develop inflammation, or to contain it if it does, is your solution. Precisely that is how Aloeride aloe vera greatly helps endurance sport athletes. Effect is dosage dependent just like stride length is for running or pedal revolution rate is for cycling. We hope our Aloeride Extra Strong helps you too.
Next to physical training, diet and usual nutritional supplements for top endurance sport, Aloeride is the little gem that keeps my digestion comfortable. Really fabulous for that, thanks! Ollie – British Triathlon
Hydration for the gut
Beyond the container itself (your gut), also what is being contained makes all the difference to strain. Heavier and harder bowel content frictions/strains a bowel wall more than lighter and softer content would do. So it’s hardly surprising that hydration is the very first issue here. If you become dehydrated, your body looks where it can replenish from, and stools is an obvious candidate. Wouldn’t that make you constipated… well yes but, by the time gut (micro)inflammation occurs in earnest, protective reflexes take prevalence and diarrhoea occurs to save an irritated bowel wall from further harm or ultimately rupture. The easy solution is to drink appropriately for the occasion which will be different from race to race (marathon, 5K, 1 mile, triathlon). You will maintain better gut function by consuming 300 to max 600 ml (2 UK cups) every 15 to 20 minutes than by consuming frequent small sips. Running on an empty gut is best for sure, but as you know, pre-race you’d evacuate only the distal end of the colon (rectum). Leaving quite a bit of unevacuated colon material to fuel exercise-induced diarrhoea; pre-race lavatory visits go some but not all the way. We definitely do not recommend that you take magnesium sulphate in day(s) leading up to races. You’re clever enough to manage this better!
I am an amateur runner who is prone to IBS. Aloeride leading up to marathons has been a fantastic help. Han has been very generous with general advice and tips. Thank you Aloeride. Nelly – London Marathon
Hydrate with electrolytes
As you sweat and breathe out damp air during endurance sport, you must put H2O back in and ideally you re-hydrate together with electrolytes. To replenish your electrolytes look no further than Gros Sel Guérande , this delicious salt is dirt cheap (1kg for £3.25!) and has a naturally broad electrolyte spectrum (Cl, Na, K, Mg, Mn, Se, Cu, Fe, Zn, P, Sulfate). You simply mix it with filtered water until there’s just a slightly salty taste to it, a quarter to half a teaspoon of Gros Sel Guérande per one litre of water should do. Electrolytes are present in your sweat but in much smaller quantities, so truly you should have this covered with your pre-event nutrient-loading diet and broad spectrum electrolytes in Aloeride. Exercise-Associated Hyponatraemia (EAH) is sometimes called water intoxication which markedly lowers blood sodium concentration and this can cause the brain to swell, causing confusion, loss of consciousness and seizures. More often than not, EAH happens in amateurs who don’t appreciate the need for appropriate-to-their-sport nutrition. As electrolytes are water-soluble, you don’t build a reservoir, but you do build a full spectrum if you do the pre-event nutrient loading right. Professional and semi-professional runners and cyclists in my clinic are advised to take one Aloeride 2x/day (on race days 3-4x/day) next to clever, sport-legal, performance-promoting smoothies. Don’t search for difficult when straight forward works.
Alistair Brownlee helping his brother Jonny (Olympic silver medallist at Rio 2016 and a bronze medallist at London 2012) over the finish line was a dramatic end to the Triathlon World Series. It was a dramatic showcase for the danger of a body overheating (dehydration + heat stroke). Alistair’s comment was “I wish the flippin’ idiot had paced it right and crossed the finish line first. He could have jogged that last two kilometres and won the race. You have to race the conditions”. One problem of EAH is that brain functioning changes, making the right decision for Jonny clearly had become agonisingly impossible.
I did the Land’s End to John o’Groats (LEJOG) via the Pedal Nation Cycle Tour. Fantastic stuff for my tum the Aloeride, would recommend it to everyone. ATB, Tim.
A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology showed that 120 mmol/L of Sodium provides the best balance between boosting plasma volume and not having to visit the portapotty, at least in a protocol that involves drinking 1 liter of water in six equal doses between 120 and 60 minutes before the race. Don’t drink a fixed amount, let thirst guide you (about 500ml per hour). If you are thirsty but everything you drink creates urine without quenching your thirst, you may be low on electrolytes.
During endurance sport some 88% of your blood is shunted away from the GI tract to the working muscle groups, the percentage depends on the intensity of the performance. Reduced GI blood flow causes relative ischaemia leading to a high production of stress hormones and cytokines (inflammatory proteins). At the same time shunting deprives the bowel of the anti-inflammatory molecules in blood, so your ability to control inflammation in the gut becomes markedly less. This shunting is totally functional, evolutionary design, so it may be contributory to Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea but it’s not causal. Running 26 miles and 385 yards is a great achievement, but you’re running in the footsteps of Philippides (battle of Marathon 490 BC) and scores of others since who ran without suffering loose stools. By the way, there’s no point in you eating anything until this shunting blood away from the GI tract has subsided, so a quick snack at 8 or 16 miles is completely useless, no nutrients will be absorbed from it, your snack will just sit there waiting. This is the right advice for all who suffer from Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea. It would be impossible however not to eat for Ironman triathletes or for Ultra-runners, they have to eat and they digest with relative few problems once they have found a food they can handle. Ironman and Ultras eat when their heart rate and breathing rate are in a comfortable place (often during cycling), it changes the shunting and incomplete uptake of calories is better than no in/uptake. Finding food you can handle is a highly personal issue, think beyond off-the-shelf-products and have a look at Scott Jurek’s recipes. Between Aloeride and Milk Kefir probiotics, your GI tract becomes more robust and Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea becomes less of a problem.
Upper GI symptoms
Endurance sport can result in delayed gastric emptying (not so much for running), so a stomach content stays where it is rather than moving south. If your stomach sphincter should fail to seal properly (the diaphragm muscle tone isn’t quite up to snuff), acidified stomach content may irritate the lower oesophagus (leading to nausea and vomiting). Other than crunches indirectly helping the diaphragm, the best diaphragm exercises are those that voice artists (singers) and wind instrument players do. Whilst we are on the topic of stomachs, your diet is spot on when your plate is overflowing with fruits, vegetables, lean protein and complex carbohydrates; when you avoid junk foods (including large amounts of processed energy bars and gels) and fatty foods; when you limit your intake of alcohol to one or two drinks a day and keep caffeine to a minimum. Many athletes think that their performance starts with training, it actually starts with fuel: nutrient intake, nutrient uptake and nutrient expenditure. You are doing things right when your performance improves consistently, when you recover quickly and when you don’t crave sweets. Consume 1 to 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight and 10 to 25 grams of protein after a workout. Fat, which inhibits carbohydrate absorption, should wait until a few hours later. When you feel satiated, energetic and light in all your training (irrespective of time of day) and you cannot remember the last time you got sick, or injured then you’re doing things right.
Reversed Constipation
When you’re prone to Exercise-Induced Diarrhoea, then near race days avoid everything that alleviates constipation… avoid fatty food, avoid high fibre food, avoid dairy products, limit or avoid caffeine, avoid wheat products, prepared proteins, avoid vitamin C (antioxidant but laxative in higher dosage), limit or avoid high sugar and sorbitol containing foods. After your endurance event start food intake with BRAT foods (banana, white rice, apple, toast), see if your digestive system copes with this and if so, progress to normal meals. Activated charcoal tablets is a proven natural remedy for diarrhoea (even when caused by food poisoning), this is an internally porous microcrystalline, non-graphitic form of carbon which is highly adsorbent… it readily binds to nutrients* which is why you must ingest it on its own 30 minutes away from food intake. Activated charcoal absorbs inflammatory cytokines which is useful for the colitis that underpins exercise-induced diarrhoea. * Activated charcoal is one of the agents most commonly used for accidental poisoning. It can absorb large amounts of toxins quickly.
Control your exercise-induced diarrhoea
With a predominant alkaline-ash, antioxidant-rich diet you make sure that your mesenchyme acidosis remains minimal, so connective tissue remains flexible and able to withstand pull without damage. It’s the biochemistry surrounding your ‘hardware’. Alkaline-ash diets encourage better ability to cope with inflammation, Aloeride helps with that also as do good, natural probiotics (start these up slowly). We strongly recommend 250-500 ml of milk kefir daily and, because it is fermented already, you don’t have to worry about the lactose dairy issue. Prebiotics, synbiotics and probiotics are well researched to have anti-inflammatory properties and not just for the bowel. Hydrate yourself sufficiently and add natural electrolytes to replenish the macro electrolytes whilst your mineral-rich diet plus Aloeride should see to the micro electolytes. Two things for event nerves, the better you prepare yourself (the 7Ps) the less there is to worry about on the day. On the endurance event day, use mindfulness technique (I am breathing in, I am breathing out – through nose), this works, as does the mental discipline simply to keep your cool. Your leading-up-to-the-event diet was sensible and your race-day diet and fluid intake is impeccable. That’s how many athletes overcame their exercise-induced diarrhoea. Aloeride aloe vera greatly helps endurance sport athletes as one part of that prep.
Floating stools indicate them to have a high fat content, meaning that you don’t produce enough lipases to break down lipids in food. This may coincide with your pancreas not making enough of its other enzymes either, in which case a degree of malabsorption may occur. If you are even thinking of taking Imodium for your marathon, make sure you use it and practice it for your long runs many, many times. General consensus seems to be 2 loperamide caplets sometime between 1-2 hours before the gun. Be sure to carry enough TP in a ziplock bag to get you through the race.
Aloeride aloe vera greatly helps endurance sport athletes
This is a product that is not advertised in running or cycling magazines but is does have a solid following along such endurance athletes. Because the Aloeride helps them and it is competition legal. Click the below banner to enjoy a substantial introductory discount!