The use and usefulness of Para Rizol Gamma and Para Rizol Zeta
If you want to decrease a pathogen count then it is useful to separate them into those that need and tolerate oxygen, and those that do not. Because you can use this very broad difference to your advantage: by adding oxygen to an environment in which an anaerobic pathogen has settled, you change the environment into something inhospitable and unsustainable for an anaerobic pathogen. This non-targeted assault differs from immune system cells attacking a pathogen. The former is changing the Biological Terrain, the latter is a direct immune response. There almost always is more way than one to kill a cat and this is where the use and usefulness of Para Rizol Gamma and Para Rizol Zeta comes into it. You may find it reassuring that adding oxygen beyond normal breathing is used also in Orthodox Medicine. In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber the air pressure is increased to three times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. Blood carries this oxygen throughout the body and this helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. So, in Para Rizol only the use of oils to deliver oxygen molecules is novel, that oxygen kills off anaerobic pathogens frankly is old hat. Of course the oils themselves also carry a healing punch, again stating the obvious.
The structure and properties of plant Endoperoxides and Ozonides are identical, that is what makes the Para-Rizol so attractive and effective. Para Rizol raw material consists of 69.3% – 70.0% of long chain ozonide from olive oil and castor oil, dissolved in excess olive oil and castor oil. It is safe, the Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation researched any mutagenic properties according to OECD guidelines (mouse lymphoma cells) which showed it to be non-mutagenic, also mitochondrial activity revealed no decrease. The addition of medicinal herbs in Para Rizol (Gamma as well as Zeta) enhances and extends the desired effects on bacteria, fungi and parasites.
When do I use which Para Rizol
Para Rizol Gamma is the original formulation and for most of you, it will be your starting point. It differs from Para Rizol Zeta not because of the oxygen donating property of ozonides (both contain these) but because of the monograph (characteristics) of the added herbal oils. Ozonides only compromise anaerobic pathogens (see example list on the left) and errant cells functioning on what paradoxically is known as aerobic glycolysis. From our product description you can see that the 10% Juglans Regia seed oil in Gamma is reduced to 1.8% in Zeta with the 8.2% difference divided between Nigella sativa, Artemisia vulgaris and Origanum majarana. Juglans Regia (English walnut) is used for helminthiasis (a metazoa parasite; Gamma also helps with protozoa parasites), it has strong anti-fungal and bacteriocidal properties, it even has human cancer cell antiproloferative and antioxidant activities. [Food Chem Toxicol. 2010 Jan;48(1):441-7. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2009.10.043. Epub 2009 Oct 31.] Not difficult to understand why Steidl included walnut in his original formulation!
In Para Rizol Zeta the Juglans Regia is replaced with: Nigella sativa (black cumin belongs to the Ranunculaceae family) is placed among the top ranked evidence based herbal medicines. Most of its wide spectrum of therapeutic properties are thanks to thymoquinone. Artemisia Vulgaris (mugwort) is widely used in the Philippines for its anti-inflammatory properties, it exerts antimicrobial activity (antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic) and is an emmenagogue (stimulating blood flow in pelvic area and uterus). Origanum majorana (sweet marjoram) in a randomised controlled pilot study improved insulin sensitivity and reduced the levels of adrenal androgens, it also showed preventative effects on haematological changes and cardiotoxicity, and, as one aspect in Ayurvedic medicine, it inhibits enteric parasites. Plants being plants, there is overlap in their properties. The registered pharmacy in Germany that makes Para Rizol for us suggests that one decides on Gamma, or Zeta, or any of the other Rizols, via Applied Kinesiology or Electro-Dermal Screening. This doesn’t help you when you shop online or if you’re not keen on AK or EAV. My advice is to use Para Rizol Gamma as your first port of call, it is after all Steidl’s original recipe. Use Para Rizol Zeta as one part of an anti-viral approach and in candida overgrowth (Small Bowel Overgrowth). Use both concurrently if you have a complex or ongoing issue and then you simply leap frog the two. Meaning that on Day One you’d use the right dosage for Gamma, and on Day Two you’d use the right dosage for Zeta. On Day Three you take the right (higher) dose for Gamma, on Day Four the right (higher) dose for Zeta, and so on and so forth. Of course it takes longer to go from 1 drop three times a day to a maximum of 20 drops three times a day (e.g. according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt effective dose in his Lyme’s disease protocol), but your herbal footprint is much broader.
When it comes to parasites, the Para Rizol oils are safe and effective for Protozoa (single cells) and Metazoa (multiple cells). Examples of protozoa are Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba, Giardia, Leishmania, Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Trichomonas. Examples of metazoa are Helminthi, Taenia, Clonorchis, Paragonimus, Schistisoma, Nematoda, Enterobius, Filaria, Ancyclostoma, Necator, Strongloides, Toxocara, Trichinella, Trichuris. It was notably the Para Rizol Gamma that was designed and used for fighting anaerobic parasitic infections.
Pacing the dosage of Para Rizol
After purchase our customers receive detailed advice about dosage by email. In general dosage must begin cautiously, 1 drop in cold water 3 times daily 1 hour before meals, increasing day by day up to perhaps 10 or 20 drops 3 times a day. Tolerance must be tested. Overdose (dosing too quickly) may lead to a flood of toxins from destroyed bacteria, fungi and parasites resulting in blisters and vesicles breaking out on the skin of the hands, arms and the feet, accompanied by severe pruritus (itching). This is a Herxheimer reaction and shows that your dosage is too high, so simply ease off your dosage. By delivering ozonides to your body’s environment, and mimicking plant Endoperoxides, Para Rizol not only makes you more inhospitable to anaerobic pathogens but also more inhospitable to abnormal cells that for energy rely mainly on the anaerobic part of cell energy production dependant on glucose i.e. glycolysis. Normal adult cells produce most of their energy needs from oxygen which is an aerobic process that is not affected by ozonides. This ingeniously simple way of changing your Biological Terrain is one of the reasons why Para Rizol is considered the gold standard for body detox and sanitation. At our request (we do not keep these in stock) the pharmacy also makes Para Rizol Suppositories for us and these can be used in conjunction to oral Para Rizol Gamma and Zeta. Para Rizol Suppositories are not available during the warmer months as they melt during postal transit! On three consecutive days you ingest liquid, the next day you only insert one rectal suppository, then three more days of liquid, then another suppository only day etcetera. It helps a lot if you would make a little wall chart to write down how much of what you took when. We hope that the use and usefulness of Para Rizol Gamma and Para Rizol Zeta is clearer for reading the above
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Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD PhD gives presentations about Lyme disease in which he explains that Para Rizol Zeta is one part of his approach in viral infections such as the Herpes family, Bornavirus or a gammaretrovirus like Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV). In any infection, be these bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic, lots of attention must go towards building up your host resistance. For this Han van de Braak BSc LicAc MCSP MBAcC (Retd.) always used our approach as an effective baseline. On the topic of parasites, Dietrich Klinghardt points out that the gradual decrease in salt intake has altered our Biological Terrain, making us a more susceptible host. In 1832 Drs. Thomas Latta and Robert Lewins used a Sodium Chloride (NaCl) infusions successfully against cholera for the first time. This goes to show what NaCl can do to help infection, nothing new really as anybody who swims in sea water regularly will attest to. Salt water clears up all sort of afflictions! The antiseptic and bactericidal qualities of salt on the skin and mucous membranes has been known for a very long time. Normal saline (e.g. used for intravenous drips) contains 9 grams of Sodium Chloride per 1 litre of water and approximates the osmolarity of NaCl in blood. So, if salt has been regarded so highly throughout the ages, why do key governmental advisory boards now tell you that NaCl salt is bad? The reason for this is that it’s the cheapest answer to the modern problem of high blood pressure (the governmental cost factor comes from related stroke and ischaemic heart disease mortality).
Adding salt only works for you (rather than against you) if you avoid vascular stiffness i.e. if you keep the walls of your blood vessels pliable. You achieve that via anti-inflammatory foods, foods that contain high level and broad spectrum antioxidants (not least to preserve the healthy lipids) – our clever smoothies tick these boxes – and by pumping the blood around via daily exercise that increases heart rate and breathing rate. Patients diagnosed with hypertension who start running very often achieve completely normal blood pressures after a while… This is why I am so keen on More Nutrients because if you do that right you stand a greater chance of preserving vascular compliance. Should you add salt to your More Nutrients then use natural coarse grey sea salt (Gros Sel de Guérande) because this contains more inorganic minerals than only Sodium. Better still, do what Dr. Max Gerson MD used in his protocol (an education video is being prepared by us on the Gerson Approach) and add Potassium Compound salt (Potassium Gluconate, Potassium Acetate, Monopotassium Phosphate in equal parts). One teaspoon of Potassium Compound provides approximately 150 mg or 3.82 mEg of potassium. Ask your healthcare practitioner for instructions how to use the Potassium compound properly. Do monitor your blood pressure regularly (120/80 is a healthy systolic/diastolic pressure). If it goes up despite daily More Nutrients + regular exercise then your compliance isn’t up to scratch, and you must ease off salt or you may suffer cardio-vascular disease (CVD).