CAM is not just for practitioners
We think you may like this very informative magazine that is edited by an old friend of Han van de Braak. Simon Martin has been the editor at CAM magazine (complementary alternative medicine) for almost as long as our MD has been in clinical practice. CAM magazine is available online and gives you excellent articles for a ridiculously inexpensive price: £17.00 for a two year digital subscription (when we last looked). Click here to check their offer. CAM is not just for practitioners!
Many registered CAM practitioners recommend Aloeride Extra Strong. So if you are a registered practitioner who wants to refer and who is not yet on our Referrer list, then please let us know your details. Jan de Vries ND MRN DHom.Med. MBAcA DSc(Hon), who has been a lecturer at almost every CAM Conference, recommends Aloeride so you’ll be in good company. Jan studied pharmacy and understands the value of having a 100% natural and organic product made at a UK pharmaceutical clinical trial company.
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Dr.-Mary-Staggs.mp3″] Listen to Dr. Mary StaggsAloe vera is a natural plant that research has shown can be of great benefit to your health. The disappointing part from a medical point of view is that most products which list aloe vera in their ingredients contain nowhere near enough active ingredients to pass on the many advantages aloe vera can provide.
In fact, Aloeride is the first and only aloe vera product I have seen that can actually deliver what research has shown aloe vera is capable of. Conditions which affect the digestive system are very complex and often difficult to successfully cure. However, what I have seen from Aloeride is a remarkable improvement in the health of individuals affected by such complaints. There is no doubt in my mind that Aloeride is the best aloe vera product around for treating digestive problems.
Evidence has also shown that the number of active molecules in Aloeride makes it highly effective at adding much needed moisture to the skin. This means that skin stays healthier and younger looking for longer as well as becoming much more effective at healing itself. Patients who use Aloeride have commented that it has had a very positive effect on their lives, I fully recommend Aloeride.
Dr. Andrew Isaac MB BCh (Physician in General Practice)
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Dr.-Avraham-Gundle.mp3″] Listen to Dr. Avraham Gundle
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Regina-Bergin.mp3″] Listen to Regina Bergin
[sc_embed_player fileurl=/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Daniel-Scott-1.mp3″] Listen to Daniel Scott