Aloeride aloe vera for People Vegetarian Capsules ONE Pack

(6 customer reviews)


Soil Association certification Aloeride aloe veraAloeride aloe vera for People Vegetarian Capsules ONE Pack: made from 2.4 litres organic aloe vera juice optimised to 28 vegetarian capsules. Pure aloe vera powder is by its very nature Kosher, Halaal and suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Aloeride is easy to swallow and pretty much taste-free, so even your kids will be happy to ingest this aloe vera.


Aloeride aloe vera for People Vegetarian Capsules ONE Pack: made from 2.4 litres organic aloe vera juice optimised to 28 vegetarian capsules. Nutrient support for digestion, wounds, skin, hair and nails. Pure aloe vera powder is by its very nature Kosher, Halaal and suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. As some people specifically ask this, Aloeride so easy-to-ingest that even your kids wouldn’t mind taking aloe vera! It is gluten and lactose free, there are no traces of nuts in it either.

Declarable benefits of Aloeride aloe vera for People Vegetarian Capsules allowed under UK implemented EU Legislation*:

  • Aloe vera is known to support gastrointestinal health and function.
  • Aloe vera is known to help maintain healthy skin.
  • Aloe vera is known to support the immune system.

What makes Aloeride stand out from the multitude of aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel products?

  • Aloeride contains a non-latex form of aloe vera that has had the aloin effectively removed. This hugely important if you have a digestive condition that already causes your stools to be loose. With the Aloeride aloe vera you get all the health benefits of the best aloe vera in proper dosage but none of the downsides of laxative anthraquinones. That is a gamechanger for people with SUDD, IBD or IBS-D and IBS-M.
  • Aloeride is hypo-allergenic, free of additives, colours, stabilisers, fillers and flavourings. That is a game changer not just for people with MCS.
  • Aloeride provides way more aloe vera working solids (upwards of 2.6x more mg/mL, the maximum difference measured to date is astounding), i.e. a tomato soup with loads of tomatoes as compared to tomato soups with lots of water...
  • Aloeride does not give you the water that makes up 99.5% of aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel. The magic of aloe vera is not in its water. Ideally filtered, water you can get from your tap, the H2O in aloe vera juice or gel does not have miraculous properties; also in tomato soup it is not the water that satisfies your nutritional needs...
  • Aloeride has a vastly superior aloe vera polysaccharide profile (more molecules in - aloe vera industry standard measures 5 groups - all their different lengths, each of which has a different function), i.e. vastly better tomatoes to start a tomato-rich tomato soup with...
  • Aloeride is certified organic by the Soil Association.
  • Aloeride comes in vegetarian capsules, it is suitable for Vegetarians, Vegans and is suitable for all religious considerations. Pure aloe vera powder is by its very nature Kosher, Halaal and suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans. Vegicapsules makes Aloeride very child friendly because it won't be subjected to the horrid aloe vera taste; our vegicapsules can be opened very easily in case you decide to use Aloeride powder on its own.
  • Aloeride comes in handy blisterfoil so you can carry it with you and take Aloeride whenever you want; please store those packs/foils you do not yet use in a fridge as all food (supplement) keeps fresher that way. Do not inadvertently perforate the foil.
  • Aloeride gives you a much bigger bang for your buck (1 pack of Aloeride gives you all the goodness in 2.4 litres of its original aloe vera juice and then there are our discounts some of which have worldwide free postage). This is utterly different to when aloe vera is only present on the label.
  • Aloeride is the ideal alternative to aloe vera juice and aloe vera gel, ideal for people who want to give aloe vera to youngsters or who themselves dislike the taste of aloe vera juice and gel.
  • Aloeride is for people who simply want the best in aloe vera, at a helpful price from a company that lives by old fashioned, positive values.
*These statements comply with current European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) generic Article 13.1 claims under the European Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims made for foods (NHCR). The following statement was verified by the Health Food Manufacturer's Association for current EFSA and MHRA legislation: Aloeride® is an exemplary aloe vera food supplement providing concentrated aloe vera juice powder made from Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller organically grown under optimal conditions. Independent laboratory tests have shown the quality of the polysaccharide profile of Aloeride® and have demonstrated the quantity of the principal ingredients.

Additional information

Weight 0.13 kg
Dimensions 15 × 13.5 × 8.5 cm


Average dosage for adults: 1 vegetarian capsule at your washstand first thing in the morning OR 1 vegetarian capsule at your washstand before going to bed, in both cases taken with ample of water. That way it doesn't interfere with your busy day. Otherwise, taken during the day, 60 minutes before meals or 90 minutes after meals. You do not want food to obscure the polysaccharide binding sites that aloe vera uses to get taken up into the bloodstream. Dosage for adults who need extra help: 1 vegetarian capsule at your washstand first thing in the morning AND 1 vegetarian capsule at your washstand before going to bed, in both cases taken with ample water. That way it doesn't interfere with your busy day. Otherwise taken during the day, 60 minutes before meals or 90 minutes after meals. You do not want food to obscure the polysaccharide binding sites that aloe vera uses to get taken up into the bloodstream. Do people ever take 3 or 4 capsules a day (beyond at washstand dosage, take a capsule either/both side(s) of lunch)? Yes, 3 when inflammation in the digestive tract is significant and 4 in for instance third-degree burns. How much is 'ample water'? Something to the tune of half a tumbler (80-100ml) will suffice.

6 reviews for Aloeride aloe vera for People Vegetarian Capsules ONE Pack

  1. Kishan

    Hi Han ,
    Thank you for your kind advise – I’ve been taking kefir for the last few days and feel so at rest – the bloating has stopped and I’m now not going to the toilet all the time – my stools are formed and don’t smell so bad. I must say I am so happy with your advise! Only one thing is I do feel a little constipated? I wonder if that will change in a week or so. I’ve started swimming again and feel quite energetic! I am in Leicester this weekend – I know market harbour is only a drive away – do u have a shop open on Saturday the 23rd January 2016 – so that I could pop by and buy some aloride? Kishan.

  2. Whirry

    Excellent product! Thank you =)

  3. Mandy Baird

    “My Westie has suffered from really bad Atopic Dermatitis for several years, steriods, antibiotics, creams, lotions and potions have only ever had short term results but Aloeride capsules have made a huge difference to her. She is first to ask out in the mornings now instead of having to be lifted out, she bosses the other dogs, can walk on all 4 feet, sleep comfortably, her skins is now more pink than black and she no longer has the terrible odour associated with Atopic Dermatitis. I can’t recommend this product highly enough!!”

  4. Mandy

    Second time I’ve bought this, you guys do a great job making people feel really comfortable! I never want to be without it 🙂

  5. Carole Woodcock

    Thank you very much for the human Aloeride that you sent me a while ago. I thought you might like an update as to how I’m getting on with it. When I first started taking Aloeride, it helped my stomach ****** within days and that is much better and I can now enjoy a much wider range of foods, particularly fruit. My *** is also much improved and I rarely have any attacks anymore. I have been able to slim for the first time in ages as I don’t get acid stomach problems when I am hungry. Aloeride has improved the pain and flexibility in my knees. I now face a set of stairs with confidence instead of trepidation! I have suffered with SADS for many years but this year it is more improved and I feel less depressed when the sun hides away. Many thanks, Carole W.

  6. Sarah (verified owner)

    As an experiment, I have started taking the Aloeride. I used to have a very dry mouth at night, a sign of internal dryness, which isnt good for one. After less than a week with 2 caps per day, this has corrected itself. Also, I had a long & helpful chat with a member of staff, which is very reassuring , and shows a caring service to customers. Thank you.

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