Forever Living Aloe Vera is too expensive
Increasingly horse owners with horses on Forever Living Aloe Vera approach us. They tell us that Forever Living Aloe Vera is too expensive and they ask us how Aloeride compares. This tends to be a “Hmm, I wish I’d known that before” moment. Apart from Aloeride being Certified Organic, Aloeride is a massive step up in quality as well as in serving size, and a massive step down in cost. From hundreds of Pound Sterling savings for individuals to many thousands of Pounds for big professional yards… and it is much better for the horses.
Dosage needs to be right
Forever Living aloe vera was tried by veterinary surgeon Peter Green BVSc, CertEO, MRVCS for a small efficacy study during which he used Forever Living Products’ recommended dosage of 240ml/day. This is the dosage at which Forever Living Products hoped to see results. Compare those 240ml to what Forever Living Products recommends for human adults: Shake well. Take 60-120ml daily. Thus Peter Green was advised to use 4x the lowest human dosage (kindly note that there is a 5.88x difference between the average human weight and that of a horse). Yet almost every horse owner with horses on Forever Living aloe vera who contacted us had been advised by independent FLP distributors to feed 40ml/day. It is common sense that adults won’t feel satisfied on a child’s food portion and that adults won’t respond adequately to child aspirin dosage. Advising horse owners to feed 40ml/day is one sixth of what Forever Living Products recommended to a vet for a trial with a view to publication. It is reasonable to assume that FLP knows their dosages (i.e. a £22.94 litre pack every four days) and that, by inference, the 40ml/day advice serves a purpose other than your horse.
Is gel better or not
Horse owners with horses on Forever Living aloe vera are told by independent distributors that aloe vera gel is ‘more natural’ and ‘therefore contains more nutrients’, or worse still, that aloe vera gel ‘contains its original medium’. Reject bunkum and engage common sense. Because, had this been correct, then giving your horse water ad libitum would yield miracles… H2O is great but not that great. The magic of aloe vera is not in its water. The magic of aloe vera resides in its working solids and precisely those molecules is what Aloeride is. Part of our production is a process co-designed by Dr. Ivan Danhof MD PhD who is universally acknowledged as one of the greatest authorities on aloe vera. We follow the leader. Aloe vera gel is not better and, to see this for yourself, the proof of the pudding is in the eating: click here to enjoy these independent laboratory tests. Beyond those methanol-precipitated solids measurements, polysaccharide spectrum analysis is useful but studious and again in those tests Aloeride excels.
A useful reminder in this respect is Lycopene, the predominant carotenoid in tomatoes with the highest free radical quenching ability of all dietary carotenoids. Lycopene is more bioavailable from tomato paste than from fresh tomatoes [Am J Clin Nutr, 1997:66:116-22]. You see, ‘more natural’ isn’t always what gets you (your horse) the best results. Tomato paste packs more Lycopene, Aloeride packs more Aloe Vera. With Aloeride your horse gets 12 litres of proven higher-nutrient-density Certified Organic Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller in 30 sachet servings in every carton.
Your horse your knowledge
Your horses are worth you knowing what is behind a label.
With respect, but you don't know the difference between aloe vera products/labels until you do laboratory tests. To help you to an objective view on quality standards, unadulterated product samples of Aloeride, Aloequine, Barrier Animal Healthcare Pure Aloe Vera Juice, Forever Living Stabilised Aloe Vera Gel and Hilton Herbs Aloe Vera were presented for independent measurement by an accredited laboratory equipped for industry standard evaluation of aloe vera. It is an eye opener:
Aloeride aloe vera Product 2a Product 3b Product 4f Product 5h 12 litres optimised to 30 palatable powder sachets per carton 12 litres = 3.17 x (3.785 litres @ £35.00) 12 litres = 2.4 x (5 litres @ £37.76) 12 litres = 12 x (1 litre @ £22.94) 12 litres = 2.4 x (5 litres @ £63.00) £55.20 (price before you choose your multi-carton discount) £110.95 £90.63 £275.28 £151.20 4,680 mg/L 880 mg/L 200 mg/L 1,450 mg/L 1,960 mg/L 5.31 x fewer nutrients 23.4 x fewer nutrients 3.23 x fewer nutrients 2.39 x fewer nutrients £4.60 per litre (price before you choose your multi-carton discount) £9.25 per litre £7.55 per litre £22.94 per litre £12.60 per litre We can supply you with a multi-laboratory proven better aloe vera at vastly deflated cost because we don’t have expensive offices, we don’t finance a multilevel marketing pyramid, we don't have much staff, we don’t transport liquid aloe, and we neither seek nor make rapacious profit.
Given that Forever Living advised Peter Green BVSc, CertEO, MRVCS to use 240ml/day, the FLP company would by inference advise you to use 7,200ml in 30 days which is 7.2 one-litre-tankards costing £22.94 a piece (i.e. tots up to £165.17 for 30 days). Small wonder that Forever Living Aloe Vera is too expensive for many. Compare this to 30 days Aloeride (12 litres) at £55.20 or at £41.40 if, like so many, you buy in twelve cartons. Aloeride becomes more affordable still when yards buy a shipper of 36 cartons (1,080 individual servings). A massive step down in cost. Of course Forever Living may offer multi-tankard discounts but, with respect, their multi-level-marketing organisation can never match our price or quality. When Forever Living Aloe Vera is too expensive (any of the above aloe vera products for that matter), Aloeride offers a solution that, by fair comparison, gives your horse significantly more nutrients and a better dosage. And you save yourself a significant amount of money.
Do you get what you pay for
From the above measurements you see that other products -with a lower polysaccharide quantity of 880mg/L, 200mg/L, 1450mg/L and 1960mg/L respectively- charge more than Aloeride that gives your horse 4680mg/L. For once you get the most nutrients by saving yourself expense. In addition to this, Forever Living gel is derived only from the inner leaf gel. That wastes the nutrients in the aloe vera rind which is the photosynthesis part of the plant that drives everything developing inside the gel. Our process co-designed by Dr. Ivan Danhof MD PhD does not waste those nutrients. Being green and leafy, these aren’t aloe vera unique (like the polysaccharides are) but why waste them? It makes processing more complicated but your horse is worth it. Very important to note is that Aloeride is latex-free, the laxative anthraquinones (yellow sap) have been effectively removed. Many aloe vera gels including that of Forever Living are not latex free.
As a horse owner, you pay £22.94 for 1 litre of aloe vera to FLP which -to a substantial degree- is priced to make the multi-level marketing bonuses possible. To quantify this, you may want to look at verbatum FLP documentation on this: “Forever Living Products relies on people like you to share our products. You’ll get our products at wholesale prices, and earn up to 43% when you sell them at retail prices. On top of that, you’ll get a Personal Discount of up to 18% for sponsoring each new Novus Customer and helping them make sales. And as you develop your Novus Customers into Assistant Supervisors, Supervisors, and Assistant Managers, you’ll earn a Group Volume Bonus of up to 13% on each of these team members. If that’s not enough, you’ll start bringing in a Leadership Bonus for every manager in your downline, starting at a 2% bonus and going as high as a 6% bonus depending where they are positioned in your organization.” We take an entirely different approach. Ours is an old fashioned business model -less successful for sure- that puts you and your horses first… proven more nutrients per litre, more nutrients per serving, less money going out of your bank account and Soil Association Certified Organic to boot. For most horse owners Forever Living Aloe Vera is too expensive when they feed their horse its appropriate dosage (minimum of 240ml/day).
Take action
FLP’s 240ml/day did a little for hoof growth and this is where a minimum dosage may come into it. Farriers rave about Aloeride and, not just for hoof reasons. So do Throroughbred Racehorse owners and Connemara owners away from Ireland’s limestone soil. Hooves respond very favourably to Aloeride’s quantity and quality. None of the people we have talked to had seen a significant change in condition whilst their horses were on FLP gel. Yet this is a consistent feedback from owners with horses on Aloeride, an increase in lean body mass (muscles) especially noticeable coming out of winter stabling with excellent condition, ready for the season ahead. Having read all the above, try out two sample sachets, buy the carton discount you like best, or contact us if you have a big yard that you want to put on the Aloeride, or if you are a FLP distributor who wants an extra string to their bow. We are keen and able to help you.
We authorise independent laboratories in the United States of America, Great Britain and Germany to carry out industry-standard laboratory tests on finished aloe vera products. We believe that the above is a matter of public interest and constitutes fair comment without malice. We believe that empowering people to make an informed choice is good. All measurements within our website are factual and are quoted verbatim from the reports we receive from accredited, independent laboratories and we retain such supporting evidence to justify that the statistics are representative of the characteristics of the products relevant for a proper comparison.
Here is your introductory Aloeride Offer!
Give your horse 12 litres of Soil Association Organic Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller in 30 palatable powder servings. One supplement with many benefits to your horse (and you)..
Great post
I am glad that I found your product, not only is the cost down by quite a big margin but the results with my TB’s hooves are way better. Can you make Aloeride in tubs?
Sorry Elizabeth, we cannot provide Aloeride aloe vera in tubs. Our powder is highly hydrophillic (to moisture in ambiant air) and this would likely result in 1 big clump in 1 big tub, a denatured clump of aloe at that. The upside of the Aloeride sachets is not needing a fridge, easy portability and, as you discovered, much more affordable. Kind regards, Han.